RD CONGO: 2èmes journées de Médecine Physique et de Réadaptation de la RDC

The second edition of “Days of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of the Democratic Republic of Congo”, organized the August 25th and 26th in Kinshasa by the scientific commission of the National Council of Physical Doctors and Rehabilitation of the Democratic Republic of Congo Conseil National de Médecins Physiques et de Réadaptation en RDC with the theme “Medicine Physical and rehabilitation at the heart of universal health coverage in the Democratic Republic of Congo”.
The first day was reserved for reminders of the notions of ethics and deontology in the exercise of PRM, in the second day, we talked about:

  1. spinal pathologies,
  2. musculotendinous disorders,
  3. aspects of rehabilitation.

It should be noted that our activity has seen the participation of other specialties in the concern to strengthen the capacities of physical and rehabilitation doctors in order to provide optimal care for patients. On this our association remains open to all orientations that may well help us to advance to know the current reality.
