INTRODUCTION: The ISPRM Youth Forum (formerly known as World Youth Forum - WYF) was established in June 2019 under the leadership of Prof. Walter Frontera and Prof. Francesca Gimigliano, with Dr. Manoj Poudel and Prof. Alessandro de Sire as founding members.
It represents early-career physiatrists, PRM residents, PRM fellows, and medical students aspirant PRM physicians from all over the world.
MISSION: To develop an international network of youth to promote the mission and goals of ISPRM.
GOALS: 1) To raise awareness of rehabilitation medicine to improve overall health and enhance function. 2) To develop a spirit of camaraderie and work for the benefit of youth in PRM. 3) To enhance quality of leadership skills, academic standards and scholarly activities.
Country Ambassador: The PRM national societies could recommend an official Country Ambassador to ISPRM-WYF. Country Ambassadors work under the direction of the Central Board.
General Member: Anyone who fulfills the Criteria of Inclusion can apply for General Membership.
Note: To join us please submit your application here:
- Alessandro de Sire: Chair - from Europe (Italy)
- Maria Paz Grisales: Vice Chair - from Americas (Colombia)
- Jong Sze Chin: Vice Chair - from Asia (Singapore)
- Tareq Alkhatib: Secretary – from Eastern Mediterranean (Jordan)
- Thadeu Rocha Da Costa: Vice Secretary - from Americas (Brazil)
- Laura Goodwins-Duyst: Vice Secretary - from Oceania (Australia)
- Afaf Bahloul: Board Member - from Africa (Algeria)
- Wali Sabuhi: Board Member - from Americas (USA)
- Iffat Islam Khan: Board Member - from Bangladesh (Asia)

- Algeria - Roumaissa Ghomrani
- Argentina - Veronica Cecilia Bouche
- Australia - Casaie Cooke
- Austria - Helena Nics
- Bangladesh - Uzzal Hossain
- Belgium - Liedewij Bogaert
- Bolivia - Patricia Marisol Aliaga Jiménez
- Brazil - Leandro Ryuchi Iaumoto
- Cameroon - Sinforian Kambou
- Canada - David Yang
- Chile - Romina Olmos de Aguilera Aedo
- Colombia - Daniel Manrique Hernandez
- Czech Republic - Jakub Jačisko
- Costa Rica - Raisa Zuwolinsky Elguera
- Dominican Republic - Franscico de la Rosa
- Ecuador - María Auxiliadora Jiménez Léon
- Egypt - Marwa Amer
- France - Camille Noel
- Germany
- Guatemala - Kevin Armando Portillo Koberne
- Honduras - Maria Fernandes Calderon Solis
- Italy - Emanuele Prestifilippo
- Jordan - Abeer Omari
- Latvia - Matiss Mezals
- Madagascar - Fanantenana Hanitriniony Tatamo Raonina
- Malaysia - Brenda Saria Yuliawiratman
- Mexico - Maria Teresa Romo Rosas
- Mongolia - Munkhsaruul Ulziibaatar
- Morocco - Najia Hajjioui
- Nepal - Jas Bahadur Gurung
- Niger - Alfari Abdoul Aziz
- Oman - Zainab Jaber Al Lawati
- Pakistan - Tawab Khalil
- Panamá - Natalia López Rivas
- Peru - Jose Andre Neira Lazaro
- Phillipines - Abigail Mendoza-Genato
- Poland - Jan Mikołajczyk
- Portugal - Ana Vaz da Silva
- Puerto Rico - Christian López Aponte
- Romania - Florina Monalda Nistor
- Saudi Arabia - Sarah Farhoud
- Spain - Gustavo Arrieta
- Tunisia - Youssef Zribi
- Turkey - Enes Efe Is
- Uruguay - Gabriel Darricarrère
- USA - Tiffany M. Lau
- UK - Ihuoma Okereke
Contact us if your country is not listed above for more information.