Are you interested in joining a Special Interest Group (SIG)?
To become a member of an ISPRM SIG, you need to have an active ISPRM membership; make sure yours is up to date HERE
You can join up to 2 Committees or Task Forces, and as many Special Interest Groups (SIGs) as you want!
To join an ISPRM Group, please fill out the application form (HERE).
- Vishwa S. Raj - Chair (2022-2024)
- Gerard Francisco - PC Liaison
- Ji Hye Hwang - Vice-chair
- Christina Moran de Brito - Secretary
- Evren Atbas - Communications Officer
- Mazatulfazure Salim
- Fatema Newaz
- Jesuel Padro Guzman
- Cynthia Bennet
- Swatee Jena
Clinical Practice
- Abderrazak Hajjioui
- Kristal Song
- Brigit Leibbrand
- Chris Custodio
- Monica Pinto
- Jae Jong Yong
- Anas Zahran
- Zubair Khowaja

This SIG was created given the importance of sarcopenia in the aging population, and the need for a
musculoskeletal approach to its holistic management.
- Levent Özçakar - Chair (2022-2024)
- Gerard Francisco - PC Liaison
- Ayşe Merve Ata
- Bayram Kaymak
- Der-Sheng Han
- Eva Maria Strasser
- Franco Franchignoni
- Farha Ikramuddin
- Jae Young Lim
- Jonathan Bean
- Ke-Vin Chang
- Murat Kara
- Walter Frontera
- Xanthi Michail
.Franco Molteni - Chair (2022-2024)
Mission statement:
The pain special interest group of the ISPRM is committed to improving the health status of people who suffer with pain through leadership and excellence in education, delivery of evidence based clinical care, expanding the horizons of medical knowledge through advancing research. We also plan to drive transformation and innovation in care delivery by engaging with and inspiring PRM practitioners to provide evidence based care in a multidisciplinary model. Using the ISPRM conferences we plan to attract and enhance relationships with physiatrists, scientists and researchers as well as other health care professionals. We also plan to promote the rights and choices of individuals who suffer from pain.
- Marta Imamura - Chair (2022-2024)
- Gerard Francisco - PC Liaison
- Antonio Stecco
- Areerat Suputtitada
- Amit Bhargava
- Belgin Erhan
- Cesar Fernandez de las Penas
- Dinesh Kumbhare
- Elisa Moreira
- Felipe Ermida
- Heakyung Kim
- Ines Mendes andrade
- Jay Shah
- Jean de Dieu Nshingu
- José Luis Carvalho
- João Fonseca
- John Srbely
- karla Concepción Miranda
- Krasimira Boteva
- Kimia Zarabian
- Lars Arendt-Nielsen
- Levent Özçakar
- Mafalda Cunha
- Maria João Andrade
- Naomi Lynn Gerber
- Pinar Borman
- Rashid- Al-Mahmood
- Rosario Luca Furnari
- Secili De Stefano
- Shi-Uk Lee
- Siddhartha Sikdar
- Umer Younas
Rajiv Reebye - Chair (2024-2026)
Klemen Grabljevec - Co-Chair (2024-2026)
- Alaeldin Elmalik
- Alberto Esquenazi
- Alessandro Picelli
- Alessandro Specchia
- Alessio Baricich
- Alto Lo
- Anas Hassan
- Andrea Santamato
- Anton Pick
- Aoife Murray
- Areerat Suputtitada
- Audrey Weaver
- Camille Heslot
- Catherine Dziri
- Chloe Haldane
- Davide Dalla Costa
- Djamel Bensmail
- Elisa Grana
- Ema Marinescu
- Emilie Croteau
- Erhan Belgin
- Etienne Allar
- Etienne Ojardias
- Eve Boissonnault
- Fabienne Schillebeeckx
- Flavia Coroian
- Franco Molteni
- Francois Genet
- Gerard Francisco
- Gwenael Cornec
- Ian Baguley
- Ibrahim Ali
- Jennifer Yao
- Jimena Quinazanos
- Joerg Wissel
- Jonathan Bemporad
- Jorge Jacinto
- José Luis Bacco
- Lorena Berna
- Lucy Ramon
- Macarena Menares Koppe
- Marco Battaglia
- Marjorie Salga
- Marta Imamura
- Mary Elizabeth Nelson-Biersach
- Meena Nayar
- Michael Munin
- Mirko Filippetti
- Monica Verduzco-Gutierrez
- Nathalie Draulans
- Nitesh Gonnade
- Omar Khan
- Philippe Marque
- Pierre Decavel
- Ranita Manocha
- Raphael Gross
- Roger De La Cerna
- Romain David
- Salvatore Facciorusso
- Samia Karkouri
- Serdar Kocer
- Sinforian Kambou
- Stefania Spina
- Stefano Carda
- Tariq Alkhatib
- Ted Wein
- Thierry Deltombe
- Vincent Carpentier
- Warren Jennings-Bell
- Chair (2024-2026)
- Co-Chair (2024-2026)
- Anne Felicia Ambrose
- Eleftheria Antoniadou
- Paolo Capodaglio
- Walter Frontera
- Francesca Gimigliano
- Dersheng Han
- Mooyeon OhPark
- Christopher Poulos
- Marta Supervia
- Carmen Terzic
- Chair (2024-2026)
- Co-Chair (2024-2026)
- Matthew Bartels
- Marta Supervia
- Carmen Terzic
- Monica Rincon
- Milica Lazovic
- Catarina Aguiar Branco
- Jonathan Whiteson Jonathan
- Gerrold Ebenbichler
- Zaliha Omar
- Areerat Suputtitada
- Rey-Matias
- Zolzaya Batdavaajav