Dear Friends:
In 2018, we launched the Journal of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (JISPRM). The journal is an official publication of the ISPRM that will cater to the scientific, educational and advocacy needs of its members in particular, and will support the advancement of disability management and physical and rehabilitation medicine (PRM) worldwide.
The JISPRM also seeks to advance the quality and value of PRM research by encouraging the confluence of biophysical, psychosocial and medical sciences, and in doing so influence contemporary evidence-based PRM practice around the globe. Further it will serve as a forum for discussion of controversial issues regarding PRM, rehabilitation, disability management that affect persons with limitation of function and participation. The JISPRM will collaborate with other journals and publications to collectively advance the common mission of promoting PRM internationally.
On behalf of the editorial board of the JISPRM, we encourage you to help the journal flourish by contributing your scientific papers and topical reviews. The success of the journal – your journal – will hinge upon your support and contributions.
Warm regards,

Farooq Rathore and Nitin B. Jain
The JISPRM Editorial Board
Gulseren Akyuz, Turkey
David Burke, USA
Franco Franchignoni, Italy
Andrew Haig, USA
Shin-Ichi Izumi, Japan
Fary Khan, Australia
Jolanta Kujawa, Poland
Leonard Li, Hong Kong
Stefano Negrini, Italy
Ali Otom, Jordan
Levent Özkacar, Turkey
Dominic Perennou, France
Seyed Mansoor Rayegani, Iran
Marcelo Riberto, Brazil
André Thevenon, France
Jianan Li, China – Special advisor to the Editorial Board