New ISPRM President Gerard Francisco Shares His Vision at ISPRM 2024

The #ISPRM2024 congress in Sydney, Australia, is buzzing with excitement as Gerard Francisco, the new president of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM), addresses attendees. In his speech, Gerard expresses his enthusiasm for the well-organized congress and the innovative presentations and discussions taking place.
“We have another couple of days to go and there are more wonderful things we have in store for the attendees,” Gerard says. “I’m very happy that I am starting my presidency of the ISPRM when there is a lot of people who are very excited to contribute to the society.”
He highlights ISPRM’s support for the World Rehabilitation Alliance’s Rehabilitation 2030 project and ongoing collaborations with the United Nations and other entities. “We are supporting the World Rehabilitation Alliance of the World Health Organization to support its project Rehabilitation 2030.”
One key initiative is the academic forum led by immediate past president Francesca Gimigliano, aimed at integrating Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM) into medical school curricula worldwide. “The goal of that academic forum is to make sure that PRM is going to be represented in each and every medical school, in every country, if at all possible.”
Gerard’s vision includes increasing awareness and education in PRM, ultimately fostering more specialists in the field. “Maybe we will have more PRM specialists, or at least those who will not go to our field will have an idea of how PRM can help many people with disabilities and those with other needs.”
His message underscores the importance of these efforts in transforming rehabilitation medicine and improving care for individuals with disabilities globally.
Stay tuned for more updates from #ISPRM2024 as we continue to share insights and advancements from the congress.