Message from the ISPRM Disaster Relief Committee

Dear Colleagues: Please take a moment to review the Guidance note below highlighting the needs of people with disabilities in emergencies released today to mark the International Day for Disaster Reduction 2013 (October 13, 2013). The Guidance note points out the health-related actions to ensure that both mainstream and specific supports are available and accessible to people with disabilities. Our committee’s (and ISPRM’s) contribution is primarily reflected in the Injury prevention and trauma care section of Annex 4,  Health services to support people with disabilities. Our comments on multiple drafts of the note were provided in partial fulfillment of the ISPRM-WHO (DAR) collaboration plan. Please publicize this note to your constituencies and reference it in your writing.  Thanks again for your worthwhile effort! Kind regards, Jim Gosney MD MPH Secretary ISPRM Committee on Rehabilitation Disaster Relief (CRDR)    
