ISPRM2020 Abstracts now published on the JISPRM!

Please find the message below from the Editor-in-Chief of our journal (The JISPRM) inviting you to check out the ISPRM 2020 abstracts now available here:
My dear colleagues:
The 14th World Congress of the ISPRM was held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Association of Academic Physiatrists in Orlando, Florida, USA, last March. It was a memorable congress due the quality of the educational content, and the interactive and enthusiastic participants. We fondly look back at that congress and realize how fortunate we are that many of us were able to get together in person one last time before lockdowns and quarantines around the world were put in place. We will also fondly recall the many outstanding presentations through the abstracts published in our publication, the Journal of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, co-published with the American Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. I hope that you will find these abstracts useful as they represent, in part, the evolution of the science of physical and rehabilitation medicine over the years.
Stay healthy and safe.
Kind regards,
Gerard E. Francisco, MD
Editor-in-Chief, the Journal of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
Vice-President, ISPRM