ISPRM recommended humanitarian competency framework with online educational resources for PRM disaster responders – AVAILABLE now
The framework of ‘humanitarian competencies’ with recommended online educational courses and documents has been developed and endorsed by the ISPRM Disaster Rehabilitation Committee (DRC) to help prepare you, the ISPRM rehabilitation professional disaster responder, to respond effectively to a natural or manmade disaster in your local area, country, or region. It has been developed by the DRC Education and Training Workgroup after rigorous review of previous related committee efforts as well as global literature and current practice on education and training for humanitarian health responders.
Humanitarian competencies are generally defined by the humanitarian community as the knowledge, skills, attitudes required by every humanitarian responder to function effectively in a crisis. Framework competencies include humanitarian ethics and law in disasters, humanitarian architecture and coordination, disaster management, disaster management for disability and rehabilitation, humanitarian health in disasters, personal management, and team leadership. Recommended courses and documents are mainly hosted on the online humanitarian learning community platforms DisasterReady ( and the Red Cross Red Crescent (IFRC) Learning Platform (
Online content hosted on these eLearning platforms is widely accessible, free of charge, and available in several languages. Competency area content overlaps in some cases, varies in complexity, and is of variable training time length to accommodate learner circumstances including available time for learning, learning style, response context, and the responder role performed – team member versus team leader, for example. Certificates of completion are available for some courses which learners may desire for their professional portfolios. ISPRM, however, does not award credit and does not monitor elective participation. Leaders of National Society teams may wish to establish content curricula and monitor course participation by team members.
We believe that these recommended online educational opportunities will help prepare the ISPRM disaster responder to respond effectively in a disaster.
Content will be updated periodically to reflect your needs and evolving global consensus on education and training for humanitarian competencies.
We encourage you to review and download the ISPRM recommended humanitarian competency framework with online educational resources for PRM disaster responders.
Enjoy the training!
Filipinas Ganchoon MD FPARM
Education & Training Workgroup
Disaster Rehabilitation Committee (DRC), ISPRM