ISPRM Lisbon Congress Postponement

Please find below the communication from the Local Organizing Committee for the ISPRM Lisbon Congress.
Dear colleagues,
We hope that you, your family, colleagues and friends are safe during these challenging times.
In consideration of the ongoing CoViD-19 pandemic, the ISPRM together with the SPMFR Congress Organizing Committee decided to postpone the Congress to be held in Lisbon, Portugal. The new dates will be 3-7 July 2022.
Soon you will be informed about the new dates of the next ISPRM congresses, which will also be updated.
This is an unprecedented resolution that has become inevitable considering the emergency situation around the World. We took into account all the implications in terms of presence and safety, and hope to have a fantastic event in 2022.
The Congress will now take place on the new dates of 3-7 July 2022 at the same venue, in Lisbon, Portugal.
We look forward to our PRM community meeting together again in 2022 for a stimulating scientific and networking event.
Regarding abstract submissions: we will save your abstract in our abstract submission system for the rescheduled Congress. You will be able to log in to edit your abstract. Alternatively you can ask us to withdraw it. The abstract submission platform will remain open until a deadline that we will inform you as soon as defined.
Regarding Proposals submission: we will save your proposal in our submission system for the rescheduled Congress. If you would like to withdraw it and/or submit a new updated proposal just let us know to
Please be aware that some proposers did not fulfill or specify all requested requirements (e.g. number of lecturers, chair, etc.). If that is your case, please refine your proposal adding the required information. An additional call for new proposals will be launched shortly.
If you’ve registered and paid for ISPRM2021 we will transfer your registration to the new dates.
If you already submitted an abstract for the Lisbon Congress you may choose to have it submitted to the ISPRM 2021 Virtual Congress. Contact the Lisbon LOC!
We are thankful for your trust and support, and are looking forward to meeting you in Lisbon, in July. 2022!
Stay safe and best regards,
Jorge Laíns – ISPRM2022 Congress President
Catarina Branco – SPMFR President