ISPRM 2021 Virtual Conference

On behalf of the President’s Cabinet, it is my pleasure to invite you to participate in the Virtual Congress of ISPRM 2021, which will be held online on 12-15 June, 2021.

Because of the pandemic of Covid-19, the scheduled Lisbon Congress in 2021 will be postponed to 2022. Instead, ISPRM will hold an online congress in 2021. It will be a new experience for ISPRM Congress. Although it is delivered in digital format, the scientific content will be as good as previous ISPRM World Congresses and with the advancement of technology, interpersonal communication or exchange could be maintained through the platform on the web.

The theme of the congress is “Furthering Rehabilitation in a New World” which signifies the rapid advancement in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine to deal with scenarios and challenges that we will encounter in the new world. The digital format of this Congress is a tool and opportunity that ISPRM could reach out to many different parts of world. Please encourage your colleagues and rehabilitation team members to submit abstracts and participate.

Finally, we sincerely invite you to visit the website where you would find all the updates about the ISPRM 2021 Congress in real time.

ISPRM President 2020-2022

Leonard S. W. LI


List of abstracts submitted for ISPRM 2021 (762).

Accepted abstracts have been published on the JISPRM (Volume 4 | Issue 5 (Supplement) here:;year=2021;volume=4;issue=5;month=November;supp=Y

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