Re:  Online consultation of the WHO Disability Action Plan

Dear ISPRM member,

The resolution of the World Health Assembly on Disability (WHA 66.9) calls for an action plan to improve the situation of persons experiencing disability worldwide. Now the Disability and Rehabilitation (DAR) group of the WHO has drafted the

World Health Organization Action Plan 2014 – 2021


“Better Health for Persons with Disabilities”.

The WHO called for an online consultation about the draft. The ISPRM President’s Cabinet together with the ISPRM-WHO-Liaison Officer have decided to involve all members of ISPRM in this consultation.  We will prepare a comprehensive document with proposals to enhance the action plan mentioned above.  The action plan will be of great importance both for persons with disabilities and for PRM as it will form the basis for actions of international and national organisations and stake holders in rehabilitation.  The plan can also significantly strengthen the scientific and clinical care aspects of PRM.

The timeline to submit recommendations to the WHO is very short as the comments must be sent to WHO before October 11, 2013!  We invite all members to read the draft action plan and to send their comments. You can send these directly to the WHO-DAR team. All comments sent will be considered for inclusion into the official ISPRM document. You will find the WHO call for consultation and the draft action plan by the following links:

 Online consultation Draft action plan If you have any question please don’t hesitate to ask the Chair of ISPRM-WHO-Liaison committee by addressing to the committee’s Secretary Boya Nugraha (   With kind regards,   Marta Imamura                                                              Walter Frontera                              Christoph Gutenbrunner President of   ISPRM                                                  Secretary of ISPRM                            ISPRM-WHO-Liaison-Officer
