Call for Applications

ISPRM is announcing the following three open positions for the term 2014 – 2016:

  •  Vice President: candidates from America are preferred.
  •  Secretary
  •  Treasurer: the current treasurer is eligible for a third term.
Please send your applications to the ISPRM Office not later than end of October 2013.

  ISPRM appreciates the submission of the following documents: CV, publication list, letter of support from the national society.   The nomination process follows the ISPRM Policy and Procedures.   Detailed information regarding the positions can be obtained from the chair of the Nominating Committee Prof. Gerold Stucki ( ISPRM Office C/o Kenes International 1-3 rue de Chantepoulet PO Box 1726 CH-1211 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 906 04 83 Fax.+41 22 732 26 07 Email: Visit our website on
