International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine at 75th World Health Assembly of the World Health Organization
ISPRM sent their representatives (Prof. Gerold Stucki; Prof. .Christoph Gutenbrunner, FRCP; and Boya Nugraha, MS, PhD). to the 75th World Health Assembly (WHA) of the WHO that was held on 23 – 28 May 2022. On this occasion, ISPRM delivered statements related to the Agenda items 16.2: Strengthening WHO preparedness for and response to health emergencies; and 14.1: Follow-up to the declaration of the third high-level meeting of the General Assembly on the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases. These statement were supported by the members of the Global Rehabilitation Alliance (GRA). Additionally, ISPRM also supported other statement related to the Agenda item 16.3: WHO’s work in health emergencies that was delivered by Humanity & Inclusion (HI) and supported by the member of the GRA, too.
The representatives of ISPRM together with the representatives of HI were also actively lobbying the issue of WHA Resolution on Rehabilitation to be included in the Agenda of WHA in 2023 to several countries, including Botswana, Rwanda, Israel, Indonesia, and Colombia. These countries assure that at the content level, it could be none against the WHA Resolution on Rehabilitation. On the same occasion the representatives of these two organizations met Prof. Alarcos Cieza to discuss and update situation of the WHA Resolution on Rehabilitation and activities of Rehabilitation at global level. Other insight that was taken from the side event that rehabilitation should also actively taking a part for neglected tropical diseases that suffered by 1.7 billion people worldwide.
Prof. Gerold Stucki;
Prof. Dr. med Christoph Gutenbrunner, FRCP;
Boya Nugraha, MS, PhD