The Cardiac Rehab. Unit of Multidisciplinary Team in Sudan
Article submitted by ISPRM2019 Grantee – Dr. Satty Hassan
Background: The cardiopulmonary rehabilitation center at Ahmed Gasim Hospital – Heart Surgery and Kidney Transplant Center is considered the first cardiac rehab unit in Sudan. Duties carried out consist of assessing, and designing relevant, immediate and long term treatment programs according to American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR) phases of rehabilitation. Also contributing in the first Heart Failure Clinic of multidisciplinary team. The unit consists of two physio halls each of it containing machines such as; Treadmill, cycling and high cycling machines, arm ergometers, two combination devices for associated musculoskeletal related problems and one IR for improvement of circulation. In addition to that the unit has 4 physiotherapists and one Assistant physiotherapist with clinical dietitian . Team work:
- Satty Hassan satty saaed head department
- Razaz Abde lrahman Ebrahim physiotherapist
- Ghufran Ahmed Abdullah Bon physiotherapist
- Essraa Abdulgader saedahmed taha physiotherapist
- Lameis hussein mahmoud bashier physiotherapist
- Raga khalilAbdalla Clinical Dietician
- Rabah Mohammed Suliman Clinical Dietician
- SuhaFaroog Mohamed. Clinical Dietician
- Assessing the patient chest post operatively and planning for long term treatment programs according to American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR) phases of rehabilitation.
- Working in the different wards of the hospital (ICU, HDU, and Cardiac Rehab Center).
- Contributing as a head department of cardiac rehab unit at the first Heart Failure Clinic of multidisciplinary team in Sudan established at Ahmed Gasim as one of the team members of the first Cardiac Rehabilitation Center in Sudan at Ahmed Gasim Hospital.
Future plan:
- Raise the awareness about cardiac rehabilitation.
- Make announcement for other heart clinics and hospital in Sudan and the importance of cardiac rehabilitation for patients with cardiovascular disease.
- Increase number of patients.
- Raise educational level of team members.
- Collaborate with international cardiac rehabilitation centers to gain anew skills through team member’s exchange.
- Become international training center with high standard and equipment.
- Create different study related to cardiac rehabilitation and publish it.
- Participate in international conference.
- We cover all patients in icu on daily basis
- We check our patients 3 times per week (cardiac rehab unit )
- Trained short course of cardiopulmonary for under graduate physiotherapy students.
- Attend and participate in many activities of cardiologist.
- Abstract participation in form of poster tilted: Impact of Cardiac Rehabilitation and Clinical Dietician Interdisciplinary Approach for a Patient with Acute Coronary Syndrome in Sudan; Case Report in the 13th The International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM) World Congress – 2019.
- Participate with heart failure clinic which is multidisciplinary team to improve quality of life for patient by made group therapy to enhance their ability to performance activity.
- Abstract participation in form of poster tilted: Clinical Effectiveness of Cardiac Rehabilitation and Diet Therapy for Patient with Dilated Cardiomyopathy Heart Failure case report 13th Mediterranean congress of PRM2019 in Marrakech.
Requirements and Needs:
- Master of cardiopulmonary rehabilitation.
- Cardio pulmonary rehabilitation Training program to improve knowledge of team.
- Exchange program for team members.
- Increase cardiac rehabilitation equipment’s eg (stair climber and rowing machine).
- Wireless central patient monitor.
- Stress ECG.
- New unit of cardiac rehabilitation.
Clear improvement was noted in and cardiac status in the patient with Heart diseases at the first Heart Failure Clinic.

Essraa Abdulgader, Saedahmed Taha (physiotherapist),
Razaz Abde lrahman Ebrahim (physiotherapist),
Dr. Smawal Abd Alaziz (Cardiologist and catheter intervention),
Ghufran Ahmed, Abdullah Bon (physiotherapist),
Dr. Satty Hassan Satty Saaed (Head Dept. of Cardic Rehab).
Dr. Aldosogi (Cardiologist)
Contact : Dr: Satty Hassan Tel:00249122035825 Email :