Release of the Guidance Note “Using the WHA Resolution as a tool to strengthen local and national advocacy for rehabilitation”

This Guidance Note “Using the World Health Assembly Resolution as a tool to strengthen local and national advocacy for rehabilitation” was developed by the Learning, Acting, and Building for Rehabilitation in Health Systems (ReLAB-HS) activity funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and includes key contributions from diverse partners, including some former members of the Global Rehabilitation Alliance. This Guidance Note is now available on the ReLAB-HS website, in English. On the same webpage, you can also find a short introductory video and a survey to help the readers identify the most relevant section(s) of the Guidance Note, according to the contexts where they advocate.
The objectives of the Guidance Note are to provide an understanding of the potential for the WHA Resolution to influence local and national policies and a guide and inspiration for using the WHA Resolution to call for and stimulate policy and programmatic changes at the local and national levels.