Basic Rehabilitation Package Clinical Resource

Applications by May 29th

The World Health Organization (WHO) Basic Rehabilitation Package Clinical Resource (BRP-CR) is a clinical management tool that supports existng primary care workers including doctors and nurses to provide the interventions for rehabilitation particularly where rehabilitation workforce is not available or has limited capacity.
The resource outlines a prioritized set of low-cost, high-impact and evidence-based interventions for rehabilitation that can be easily, safely and effectively delivered by existng workforce in PHC and low-resource settings. The BRP-CR guides clinical decision-making on the identification of rehabilitation needs and provision of appropriate interventions, it utilizes a decision-tree (algorithm) structure, similar to that utilized by other WHO products, such as WHO PEN Package and mhGAP.
The resource supports rehabilitation task-sharing approaches, enabling existing PHC workforce to be trained in the areas of rehabilitation (e.g. mobility, communication, self-care), so that they can assess for functioning difficulties and subsequently deliver a basic set of interventions. The interventions are focused on addressing functioning difficulties rather than health conditions, as accessing diagnostic tools in primary care settings may pose challenges.
PLEASE apply by May 29th, 2024.
Ideal candidates – Health professionals:
- With experience working in primary care and low resource settings
- With clinical and hands-on experience relevant to rehabilitation (Occupational therapists, Physical and rehabilitation medicine physicians, Physical therapists, Speech and language therapists, Nurses, Medical Doctors, Ophthalmologists, Optometrists, Orthotists, Audiologists, Psychologists, etc.)
- From all WHO regions
- Information sheet detailing the BRP-CR project and Terms of Reference outlining the expert review group’s responsibilities
- Declaration of Interest form
Application Process – Interested individuals should:
- Review the documents above
- Complete the online survey (Link to survey: )
- Complete the Declaration of Interest(DOI) form.
- Send their CV, and completed DOI form to before May 29, 2024