Access to care for the disabled globally – ISPRM session at SOFMER 2016


At the recently held 31st Congress of the French Society of PRM (SOFMER) ISPRM was invited to host a session on Access to Care for disabled people globally.
The session was chaired by Andre Thevenon and Jorge Lains, ISPRM President, also participated in the session:
  1. WHO actions toward disabled persons – Marta Imamura >>
  2. Access to care in France for disabled persons. 2005-2015, a waypoint – JF Chaussy
  3. Access to care for disabled in China – Jianan Li >>
  4. Accès aux soins pour les personnes en situation de Handicap au Maroc – Abdellatif Elfatimi >>
  5. Access to care for disabled in the USA – Margaret Turk >>
  6. A model of pediatric rehabilitation facility from « Teletón » in Mexico – O. Guttierez >>
  7. The Handicap international point of view – Claude Simonot >>