Renew Membership

Renew your membership now to continue to help us make a positive impact in our field:

Benefits of the Individual Active Member:

  • entitled to vote for representatives to the Board of Governors who will have the right to vote.
  • eligible to be elected or appointed to any position in the Board and Executive Committee.
  • receipt of the News and Views on the individual proper e-mail address.
  • eligible to a reduced registration fee for the ISPRM World Congresses and Endorsed Conferences.
  • eligible to reduced subscription fee of official journal(s) of ISPRM.
  • access to rich educational materials, professional forums and special-interest groups through the  members-only parts of the ISPRM web site.
  • free access to electronic version of Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine.
  • eligible to publish announcements or articles in N&V about their own congress or activity.
  • provision of membership  diploma.


If you are a National Society you will be automatically contacted by the ISPRM Membership Team to assist in membership renewal.