The Association of Academic Physiatrist’s Annual Meeting – Physiatry ’23, Anaheim, California
The Association of Academic Physiatrists (AAP), an ISPRM National Society, is proud to announce that our Annual Meeting, Physiatry ’23, is taking place in Anaheim, California, February 21-24, 2023.
Pack your bags and get ready for our most magical meeting yet. We’re putting a strong focus on diverse and interactive presentations, so you can expect a valuable learning experience. Physiatry ‘23 will help you foster lively in-person discussions, collaborations, new ideas and unprecedented career growth with rehabilitation professionals and peers from all over the globe.
Registration for the AAP’s Annual Meeting will open in September.
The AAP is also now accepting international abstracts for presentation, showcasing the latest research studies and case reports in PM&R. Get started now by viewing our topics of interest, submission policies, dates to remember, and more. All submissions must be received via online submission by 11:59 pm (EST) September 13, 2022.
Stay tuned for a full Physiatry ‘23 schedule line up that will offer the latest in networking, education, and industry trends. Visit our Annual Meeting page to learn more.
See you in California!