IIº International Congress of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
The event is organized into 3 segments :
– Workshops : There are 15 Full day Hands-On Workshops on several topics of interest of Peruvian PM&R Physicians, such as : Children Acupuncture, General Movement Assesment, Ultrasound Interventional Procedures, Fluoroscopic Interventional Procedures, Scalp Acupuncture, SCI Assessment, Chemoneurolysis for the Spasticity Management, Ozone Therapy, Diabetic Foot and Pressure Ulcers Rehab Management, Cardiac Rehab : Phase 1 and 2, Biodecoding in Rehab, Cannabis and Viscosupplementation, among others.
The need comes from being a third world country, we as PM&R Society need to learn the new Rehab procedures and widen our scope of Practice, also we feel the necessity to emerge and adopt innovative techniques to offer better outcomes to our patients.
– Educational Lectures: 29 lectures given by most of the finest speakers around the world and the best speakers from Peru.
– Physiatry Forums: Annual Assembly of Peruvian Physiatrists who want to explore new MSK care models in Rehab and changing the Mind chipset of Residents from the specialty and Young Physiatrists.
For more info. visit: www.congresorehab-perunorte.com