Annual National Congress of Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation and Balneology in Romania (2022)
Please receive the cordial greetings of the The Romanian Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine & Balneoclimatology (RSPRMB) and The Romanian Association of Balneology (ARB)!
The consortium formed by The Romanian Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine & Balneoclimatology (RSPRMB), The Romanian Association of Balneology (ARB), The Romanian Neurorehabilitation Society (RoSNeRa), The Romanian Society of Vertebro-Spinal Pathology, Therapy and Rehabilitation (RoSCoS) and The Society Specialists in Medical Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine from the Republic of Moldova (SSRMMFRM) will organize, from September 3 to 10, 2022, the Annual National Congress of Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation and Balneology, with international participation, in a hybrid version – including physical participation – in Slănic Moldova, between 3 and 7 September 2022 and at Techirghiol, between 7 and 10 September 2022, and online on the digital platform of the event. The Congress will contain the elements necessary for a scientific debate of peak, particularly useful for the development of the field of physical medicine, rehabilitation and balneology.