
Are you interested in joining an ISPRM Committee?

To become a member of an ISPRM Committee, you need to have an active ISPRM membership profile; register or make sure your membership is up to date HERE before you send in your application form. You can join up to 2 Committees or Task Forces, and as many Special Interest Groups (SIGs) as you want!

Group Membership Application form available (HERE).

In order to facilitate the work of the various Committees and Task Forces, ISPRM allocates on an annual basis an amount to be used by our groups upon request. ISPRM Group funding application needs to be requested through the form below, following the guidelines provided.

ISPRM Committee funding - Application form

ISPRM Committee funding Guidelines

Standing Committees - by nomination only

AD HOC Committees 

ISPRM Congress Scientific Commitees (CSC) - by nomination only

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